Online Open Day


Discover what learning looks like at Avenor

Avenor College is a top international school, with excellent academic results but also with a constant concern for the development of students’ ability to adapt, no matter what the future will look like.

On November 25th, you have the opportunity to discover with the help of our students and teachers:

  • what learning opportunities we offer to our students
  • how we guide students to choose their subjects
  • how we help students identify their future careers
  • how we make sure that every minute spent in school is used to their advantage


16:20-Introductory Presentation – Avenor College

Meet the members of the leadership team to find out our vision,  mission, values, ​​and future plans. 


  • 17:00

Meet the Avenor Nursery educational team and find out the learning journey offered to children from 2 to 6 years old.

Primary School

  • 17:00

Meet the Primary School educational team and find out the learning journey offered to children from pregatitoare classes to grade 4.

Middle School

  • 17:00

Meet the Middle School educational team and find out the learning journey offered to children in grades 5 – 8.

High School

  • 17:00

Meet the High School educational team and find out the learning journey offered to children in grades 9 – 12.

  • 18:00

Session dedicated to information about admission and registration, fees, campus, meals, children’s safety, transportation, communication with parents.

Avenor Student Profile

What does learning look like at Avenor? What are the landmarks of meaningful learning among students, but also among teachers and parents?
In the last year, an enthusiastic group of leaders, teachers, students and parents created a new learning profile together.
he design thinking process proved to be a real, authentic and interactive model of learning (Project-Based Learning) starting from a real concern of the Avenor community.

Together we develop a common language of learning in which students’ voices are heard and everyone has the opportunity to discover alternative paths in the world of knowledge.

Here is how our students describe the characteristics of the Avenor profile.

Inner Balanced​

Ioana, Avenor graduate
Student at Carnegie Mellon University (U.S.A)

Alexandra, Avenor graduate
Student at University of the Arts London (U.K)

Independent and Connected

Active, Positive Citizens

Maria, Avenor graduate
Student at Erasmus University (The Netherlands)

Ilinca, Avenor student


Effective Communicators

Tudor, Avenor graduate
Student at University of Groningen (The Netherlands)

Bella, Avenor graduate
Student at University of the Arts London (U.K)

Creative Thinkers

Future Ready

Tudor, Ilinca și Ioana elevi Avenor – Avenor students

Upcoming Events At Avenor College

December 7th

A Level Options Fair

Event dedicated to 10th grade children who will choose the subjects studied at A Level.
During the event you will have the opportunity to gather information about each subject, directly from the teachers.

December 9th

IGCSE Options Fair

Event dedicated to 8th grade children who will choose the subjects studied at IGCSE.
During the event you will have the opportunity to gather information about each subject, directly from the teachers.

December 10th

Examination Session

for children from grades 1 – 12
(session dedicated to children who want to join us from September 2022).