Nikki Ireland

Teacher of PBL

My teaching ethos is simple: well being. By creating a safe, stable and supportive learning environment students are able to openly make mistakes, reflect and identify how they can move forward. I believe this to be true both socially and academically. I am a personable teacher who cares about students’ welfare, progress and engagement. 

As an educator I pride myself on my being the best at getting better. I am resilient and committed to continual development. I have always had a keen interest in the psychology behind learning and how the brain makes long term connections through constructive teaching and learning and positive behavioural management.

Since the age of 7, it has always been my dream to be a teacher. This motivation and life focus began when I had a teacher who showed me kindness, gave me courage and inspired me to have pride in my successes. 

My teaching career began when I was lucky enough to work as a Learning Support Assistant in Leicestershire’s (UK) top performing secondary school and sixth form college. This enabled me to enter my career with an outstanding level of professionalism, within a supportive network; I learnt how to facilitate education for children with a vast range of special educational needs and I was able to observe different teaching styles across the entire curriculum. This is something that I still hold as an invaluable experience.

I am someone who seeks adventure and wants to live my life to the fullest. My journey as an educator has been one of determination, hard work and dedication whilst ensuring I maintain a well balanced lifestyle and a focused mind. 

I gained a BA Honours in Drama Studies at Winchester University, UK, in 2008, where I studied the effect that applied drama can have in such contexts as youth offender facilities, special needs facilities and in schools.

My formal teaching qualification came in 2015 when I completed a PGCE (international) with Nottingham University. 

In 2012 I was given the opportunity to live and teach in Chon Buri, Thailand. This job opened up a new perspective on teaching and I quickly learnt that I enjoyed teaching with child centred values, multicultural morals and inquiry based learning ethics in Key Stage 1 and 2. 

I enhanced my skills and developed my personal pedagogy further by working in two Outstanding/ Gold standard school in both Thailand and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. These schools enriched my teaching of inquiry based learning through their well established PYP and IPC programmes, heavily focussed on  inquiry and research-led learning.

Inquiry and project-based learning allows for students to become engaged and enthusiastic in their learning and the processes involved, as it provides students with a platform to showcase their interests with pride. Since my career began in 2012, I have found that project-based learning gives the students agency to become independent, self motivated, life-long learners. 

It is with enthusiasm that I join the Avenor team as I know the school values the importance that inquiry, cross curricular, project based learning can bring to a students development. Project -based learning not only allows for students to have ownership of their learning but it also teaches valuable life-long skills. I will engage students with projects, giving them the structure to stay focussed whilst allowing for them to explore within their own curiosities. 

I will teach the students to take responsibility for their learning and have pride in what they produce; they will develop invaluable skills that they will continue to use for the rest of their school careers and beyond.

By putting students right in the centre of their learning, they are becoming active citizens in making a change. By connecting projects with their current learning, the students are able to become fully engaged and immersed and therefore they are inspired to take action.