Avenor Saturday Run

October 2

Avenor Saturday Run

October 2

Avenor Saturday Run

October 2

Avenor Saturday Run

October 2

Avenor Saturday Run

October 2

Avenor Saturday Run

October 2


Kilometres completed out of 618

The form will be active on the day of the race.

Thank you for participating! Each kilometre counts!
If you took photos on your route, upload them in the Padlet below.

Avenor Saturday Run is a day dedicated to outdoor movement in which all members of the Avenor community are invited to participate in kilometres of running or walking (without a bike) on the route we intend to travel together.

Every autumn, on the first weekend in October, the Avenorians traditionally gathered in the Băneasa forest at Avenor Forest Run – an event in which we run age races for children and races for parents and teachers.

This year, we are redesigning our sporting event into one that allows the participation of the Avenorians, regardless of where they are and where they want to run. We will gather kilometres covered by all participants and we will be happy to reach our goal together.

Rules of the Race


The race is open to the entire community from nursery to high school


Each participant records their kilometers traveled, in a form provided by Avenor on the day of the race


The kilometers traveled by children are recorded separately from those of the parents


Declared kilometers must be accompanied by a photograph of the application with which they were measured to attest the distance traveled by the participant

No matter where we are, we can contribute to our common goal of 618 km.
If you want to run or walk with a group of Avenorians, choose a starting point from the ones below and be ready to start the race at the time indicated for each starting point.

Avenor College

Start at 9:00

Team Leader Ionel Vodă

Herăstrău Park
(Charles de Gaulle entrance)

Start at 8.00

Team Leader Andrei Roșu

Start at 10.00

Team Leader Oana Fotino

Antipa Museum

Start at 11:00

Team Leader Ana-Caterina

Share snapshots from your route

Made with Padlet

The story of the Avenor College Milestone
on Via Transilvanica

Avenor College supports the project developed by Tășuleasa Social Association – Via Transilvanica – a spectacular road that crosses Romania, passing through 10 counties (Mehedinți, Caraș-Severin, Hunedoara, Alba, Sibiu, Brașov, Harghita, Mureș, Bistrița-Năsăud and Suceava). . The road starts from Putna (Bucovina), crosses Transylvania and ends at Drobeta-Turnu Severin, on the Danube shore.

In 2020, Avenor sponsored the instalment of a milestone on Via Transilvanica, near Agârbiciu, Sibiu county.

Artist: Cristina Crăciun

Longitude 24.1878497

Latitude 46.07279055

Via Transilvanica is a project meant to bring us closer to the natural, cultural, ethnic, historical landscape of Romania. The 1,000-kilometer route can be completed on foot or by bicycle.

We invite you to find out more about the story of this route, which we hope to explore soon with our students.

Beyond the success of finishing the route, this event gives us the opportunity to remember that