Group 2479

Summer School

Explore your dreams, discover your passions!

July 3th – 14th


Summer School

Explore your dreams, discover your passions!

July 3th – 14th

Nature through Art and Design
Opportunity through Science
Vocation through Robotics
Develop real scientific projects
Create art using different techniques
Play sports
Adventure through music

Summer School

Explore your dreams, discover your passions!

July 3th – 14th

Are you ready for a summer of

discovery and adventure?

Join us on a journey of discovery that will allow you to pursue your passions and learn new things in the most exciting and innovative summer program.

With activities ranging from science experiments in modern labs, robotics, mathematics, and technology to nature journaling, film production, language exploration, debating, arts, music, and sports, you will have the chance to discover and enjoy new experiences.

Plus, add the “Greek Heist,” an exciting adventure that will take you on a journey through the multiverse of the Greek pantheon, you will have all the ingredients for an exhilarating and unforgettable summer experience that you won’t want to miss!

Our enthusiastic team of teachers is more than eager to challenge your imagination and encourage you to find your strengths by joining you in activities designed to explore your interests and passions.

We also invite you to build relationships through sports, games, and interesting activities that are designed to improve team-working skills.

Make your choice for the summer!

You can choose the STEM avenue or the Expressive Arts avenue for one week or both weeks of summer school.


Science - Technology - Mathematics -
Nature Journaling


Film Production - Arts & Design -
Debating - Music




Film Production
Arts & Design

Where can you find us?

How do I register for the Summer School?

With a click here you can start creating your most entertaining summer story. You can opt for one or more courses (maximum 4 courses / day). The costs may vary depending on the type of course. Please check the registration form. For more information, please contact:

More details about the courses

There will be a wide range of activities, scheduled for a period of 2 weeks, daily. Each course will last 90 min and the objective will be to guide each participant in exploiting talents and expanding their imaginative horizon.

Acting Class by LADMA (grades 9-12)

LAMDA is the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art. Students will have the opportunity to improve their communication skills and self confidence whilst performing scenes from the memory, creating a physical response to the text, speaking with clarity of diction etc. Drama programmes have many positive outcomes: they help students build character, ambition, education and desire.

Science (grades 9-12)

Understanding science requires developing a more abstract way of thinking but also has the advantage of interesting, fun, engaging practical activities. This program will challenge students to develop research projects together with other young scientists. Get ready to create connections between real word challenges and theory!

Python Level 1 (grades 9 and 12)

This course aims to teach young Avenorians the basics of programming using Python. We will cover the basics of how one constructs a program from a series of simple instructions in Python. The course has no prerequisites and avoids all but the simplest mathematics.

Python Level 2 (grades 9-12)

This course aims to teach young Avenorians the computational thinking and intermediate of programming using Python. The course has prerequisites: the candidates should be familiar with installing Python, using variables, decision structures, iteration.

Creating Python Applications (grades 9-12)

This course aims to teach young Avenorians the fundamentals of GUI app development using Python with Tkinter by DOING! They will create several awesome apps. The course has prerequisites: the candidates should be familiar with installing Python, using variables, decision structures, iteration.