Valentina Pache-Nistor

Form Tutor Pregătitoare Alfa

From the very beginning of my school years, I had extraordinary teachers who inspired me and opened up my horizons to this profession. I graduated from the “Elena Cuza” National College, specialising in teaching and education, a period during which I laid the foundations for my professional development. Later on, I continued my studies by enrolling in the Faculty of Letters at the University of Bucharest, specialising in Romanian Language and Literature – German Language and Literature.

My journey into the world of children began in 2009 in the public education system in a school in Bucharest, where I spent an important phase in my professional development. Subsequently, I continued my teaching activities as a nursery teacher, thus strengthening my knowledge of early childhood education, a crucial stage in their development. I also feel fortunate to have had the opportunity to teach the German language to elementary school students as well as those at the foreign language centre with which I collaborated.

I continued my professional development by participating in a series of courses and seminars. In 2012, I obtained my teaching certification for preschool education, and currently, I am enrolled in Gradul didactic 2.

In 2016, I obtained Cambridge certifications: IGCSE – English as a Second Language and Teaching Knowledge Test – Young Learners.

I am always eager to learn, discover, and implement the latest techniques, methods, and learning strategies so that the children I work with can learn with enthusiasm. I am always attentive to their needs and encourage them to develop their emotional intelligence first and foremost. Furthermore, the love I have for children helps me shape autonomous personalities that can integrate harmoniously in today’s society.

In 2015, I joined the Avenor team, starting with the Pregătitoare. I formed a strong team with my students and their parents, built friendships, and together, we ensured that the transition from nursery to school was as pleasant as possible. We achieved this by being attentive to each child’s individual pace of development and taking into account their individual needs and capabilities.

In 2019, I continued my educational journey with the second generation of students, with whom I opened up new horizons in education, encouraging them to fulfil their dreams.

Throughout this time, I initiated and coordinated, alongside high school students, the “Avenor Reforestation” project, an important project for me. Together with Avenor students and parents, we managed to carry out four reforestation actions during which we planted hundreds of trees. As a result, in the years to come, we will all enjoy clean air, the coolness, and the beauty of the forests planted today.

My journey at Avenor continues with a new generation of Pregătitoare students. I am very excited about this stage and look forward to embarking together on the adventure of knowledge.