Dr. Bogdan Topîrceanu
Teacher of Arts

Having a BA and an MA Degree in Graphic Arts, a Degree in Pedagogy, and a PhD in Visual Arts, I am currently developing my own design company.
I am passionate about music and I have a great interest for science and nature. My core value is: „Solely do things you believe in”.
After 21 years of learning and practice, out of which 17 have represented art related studies, I feel that it is time to pass on all the knowledge and skills I’ve gathered in all of this time to new generations of children.
In my opinion, drawing is not meant to be a means of comparing skills, but rather a subjective exploration of one’s self. In time, its mechanisms led throughout history to the development of symbolical thinking, written languages and mathematics, and on an individual level, drawing improves memory, helps people process emotions and trauma and ultimately, drawing crystallizes as a process of introspection, by helping each and every one of us to get a grasp of our own identity.
Thus we are all the lines we draw; we are all the layers we reveal with each and every drawing.
In conclusion, while teaching drawing and art history our aim should be not to deliver a predefined recipe for drawing or painting, but a set of tools and skills which will help the students push the boundaries of the art field towards new, unexplored grounds, and help them navigate the uncharted waters of their own personalities.