Claudia Andrei
Clubs Coordinator Primary & Secondary
Counsellor Primary
DSL Whole School

Every September, I find myself at school reliving the same emotion of the beginning of the school year. These last years represented for me, like never before, the return to school and the assumption of a new perspective: Clubs Coordinator.
The coordination of the PSHE department is a special and very dear responsibility, shared with a wonderful team and I firmly believe that over time there have been moments in which we have helped each other improve and lived together unique experiences.
Looking back over years in which the parenting project „Școala de acasă” has run uninterrupted, we have gathered dozens of interactions that enriched all of us, left a smile on our faces generated by a solution or by a question mark that changed our view on the world. I believe that the continuity of this project is due to the change of perspective regarding the topics addressed. I have emphasized on many occasions that there are no schools to teach us to be model parents, but all these years we have learned together to be perfectible parents.
Personal development today is a condition for success in life. Personal development means to discover and value personal resources. Personal development helps you become aware of yourself, of your identity, your possibilities, and your desires. Non-formal education contributes to defining ourselves as people and ensures success in our own process of becoming.