Școala de Acasă is a parenting programme dedicated to Avenor community parents. The aim is to bring the parents together so they can share experiences, concerns and find common ground. 

Simona Istrate, Managing Partner at Business Through People, friend and parent in the Avenor community, talked about the real point of offering gifts and receiving them in a new session of the Școala de Acasă programme. 

As we enter this holiday season, it makes sense for us to pause for a moment and think about gifts. Simona Istrate talked about how offering gifts and receiving gifts is something that should not be a chore for any of us: be it parents, grandparents, sons and daughters. When you give gifts, you are giving something willingly without wanting something in return and when you are receiving a gift you must acknowledge that the giver wants to show you how special and dear you are to his heart, Simona explained. 

The parents responded generously to Simona’s invitation to reflect, sharing personal experiences. It turns out that if the new generations, the Millennials and the Z Generation, were born with the natural talent of receiving and giving, the older generations grew up believing that it’s more noble to give than to receive. 

The speaker talked about how the older generations need to learn to accept receiving love, caring, compliments and gifts. Letting ourselves receive deeply and graciously is a gift to the giver, Simona explained. 

The coach encouraged other parents to take a step forward and be part of an exercise: imagine the relationship between two people as a string connecting them. This string is kept alive by intimacy, reciprocity, kind words, honesty and these are all gifts. 

To sum it all up, Simona and her discussion partners concluded that the gift itself and the cost of the gift are not that important. The fact that the item represents care and love is what matters.