On the eve of December 1 and the celebration of Romania’s National Day, it gives us great joy to present to our entire community a family of Avenorians who have re-elected Romania after 20 years spent outside the country. We thank them for their honest testimony, for the joy and hope they manage to convey through this message.


Happy Anniversary Romania!

We are a family of 5 – the parents – Lili and Ionut – and the children – Vlad (21 years old), Maria (19 years old) and Luca (12 years old).

I left Romania in 2000, a young couple with good prospects in Romania: Lili, a doctor in medicine, Ionuț, a computer engineer, at the invitation of a Japanese medical software company. We planned to go for 2 years, during which time we would explore wonderful Japan and exotic Asia.

We did not imagine that the 2 years would turn into 22 and an extraordinary life journey, to which, by divine grace, our 3 children joined us along the way and they are extraordinary and wonderful as well.

Maybe we would have stayed longer, although the plan was to return after 20 years, to be with our parents, but last year the second grandfather left us and we came to be the support to our kind grandmothers, both of them caught up in countryside life, with chickens and gardens.

We missed home, although we came to visit every year and stayed as long as we could, which was very good for us and the children.

We love Romania and Romanians and the longer we stayed in Japan (12 years) and then in Singapore (10 years), the more we came to appreciate them.

In the country many things have changed for the better during this time. Romanians are open-minded and open-hearted, laborious and enterprising. We felt the change from year to year, so we ended up finding at home everything that was abroad.

At one point I even realised that people at home live better than foreigners and they don’t even realise it or unfortunately don’t appreciate it. Probably with some leaders truly dedicated to the community and its holistic development, Romania could become heaven on earth from all points of view, a heaven that we would all enjoy to the fullest.

We hope to be able to contribute now that we’re back, with a lot of ideas and enthusiasm. We feel the same as Adrian Păunescu writes in this poem full of soul and teachings, “Întoarcerea țăranului”, sung by Ștefan Hrușcă:

Ai colindat ce-ai colindat

Prin lumea veşnic friguroasă, 

Acum bine-ai venit în sat,

Mai cald e totuşi pe acasă…

…especially since joining the warm and welcoming community of Avenor College!

We feel very lucky and are very excited about everything we found here.

We really like the teachers and Luca integrated very well in the class. He has made friends, he is very motivated and we are happy to see him growing day by day in height and intelligence!

Now we are preparing for the holidays, and I hope to gather in December at the school, as many as possible – parents, children, colleagues with Luca – for a workshop on traditional bread yeast, to learn to enjoy the beautiful, growing culture and thriving like the yeast that makes our bread healthy.

And inspired by this magical process, let’s put the same spirit of communication, contribution and collective flourishing into practice in our culture, for an even better life, every day. God help!

Thank you for everything!

Lili, Ionuț, Maria, Vlad and Luca