For the second consecutive year, Avenor high school students have obtained the licence to organise TEDxYouth@Avenor College, and we are very proud of them. Congratulations!

TED conferences aim to spread “ideas worth spreading” through leaders from around the world who deliver inspiring speeches that subsequently gather millions of views.

The TEDxYouth@Avenor College conference will take place on November 18th, and just like last year at the first TEDx Avenor edition, we hope to enjoy the support of the entire community, both physically, with a large presence in the audience, and organizationally, through any type of contribution that helps us prepare everything to the standard we desire and that is required by the franchise.

We would like to thank everyone who was with us in 2022, providing support – financially, materially, with know-how, and advice. Every help mattered and helped us organise the conference with the theme ‘Ctrl+Alt+Del. Reset & Start Over,’ where the speakers talked about overcoming obstacles through perseverance.

With this year’s theme – ‘On Top of the World. What’s next?‘ – we plan to explore the challenges and personal development after significant success. Alongside my fellow organisers, we are working hard on the project and are very excited about this opportunity.” says Sandra, 12 Omega, Licensee, and the main organiser.

Tickets for the event are now on sale and can be purchased from HERE, and the first speakers at the event are already confirmed. They are Virgil Stănescu and Adriana Istrate.

After his performance in the national basketball team, Virgil founded Go Scholarship – a support program for young athletes to excel. Adriana, after quitting her corporate job, became the only woman in Romania to run on all seven continents (winning the Antarctic Marathon – 100 km). 

The entire project is organised exclusively by Avenor high school students.

We have 8 departments: Curation, Executive production, Event management, Communications and editorial, Design, Sponsorships, Website management, and Legal, which means a team of 30 students and 20 volunteers. 

We build on the experience gained from organising last year’s edition and continue to learn together from everything that happens to us because we are very determined to achieve our goal of organising a self-funded event with a lineup of 8 speakers.” says Sofia, 12 Alfa, Co-organizer.

TEDxYouth@AvenorCollege is a public event and you can find more details about the organising team, the event and the speakers on:

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