When the passion for creative writing and math meet, wonderful things happen. MATH-LY-NEWS, the first Avenor mathematics magazine, was written at the initiative of  Mihaela Ancuța, Mathematics teacher and Mathematics Curriculum Leader. We invite you to find out more about how the first issue was written and about the team of students who coordinate it.

Mihaela Ancuța: According to the theory of self-determination, which I have been focusing on for some time and which I am still studying, because it is fascinating and I believe in it a lot, every human being (particularly our students) is born with three basic psychological needs: the need for connection, the need for competence and the need for autonomy. Students need to be seen, valued, respected, to feel that they are unique, they need to feel connected, belonging to a group. They still need to feel able, to feel that they can achieve something, that they are capable and, very importantly, they need to make choices, to make decisions. When all these needs are met, any student will be well, his intrinsic motivation will increase and implicitly his results in everything he does. The progress is amazing.

The whole process involved in making the magazine, the brainstorming meetings we have, the way we communicate with each other, the challenges they have, the choices they make, provide students with the necessary framework for these needs to be met.

I remember the first discussion with Alexandra, which I asked if she wanted to join the project:

Hi Alexandra, I saw the article about your scholarship project and I would like to congratulate you for the idea of ​​organising a creative writing club! – I told her I appreciated her for her creative writing talent and other things I had heard about her, then I told her directly:

I’m coming to you with a “job offer”. Would you like to be the editor of the first Avenor math magazine?

Her reaction was wonderful:

Yeees! Of course! I love to write and I love maths as much!

I am convinced that her reaction came from the fact that she felt seen, appreciated, felt valued. But I’m going to stop now and will let her tell you more about the magazine :).

Alexandra P. (clasa a 8-a Omega): I present to you the first edition of the Avenor mathematics magazine,  MATH-LY-NEWS.

This magazine is meant to inform fellow mathematics enthusiasts, just like us, about current events in the fascinating world of mathematics.

It is addressed to those who seem to be unable to stop raising their hands during math lessons, to those who are eager to expand their knowledge of mathematics, to those who have an endless curiosity and, most importantly, to those who love to be challenged.

The magazine will feature various articles, all related to Mathematics. These may range from fascinating interviews interesante cu profesorii de matematică de la Avenor, la articole captivante și curiozități matematice distractive.

It’s written by students for students. By math lovers to fellow math lovers. This newsletter is entirely written by Avenorians, addressed to other Avenorians with a similar continually growing passion for mathematics. Currently we have a team of 4 editors from the 8th and 9th grades: Sara R., Mara B., Sandra P. and Sara C. The magazine would not have looked the way it does without the help of Lisa Ț., our Graphic designer. For the next editions, we aim to involve as many colleagues as possible, both from the middle school classes and from the high school.

MATH-LY-NEWS will appear monthly and will be available in Google Classroom, but also on the Avenor website. If you share our passion for mathematics, if you like challenges and if this article aroused your interest, we invite you to read our magazine here.