FCE is an English language exam that can be used every day for living and learning purposes, such as working in an English speaking environment, studying in English at a high level or living independently in an English speaking country. Once students obtain this certification, not only that they can use it for the above purposes, but they hold one of the most valuable English certificates in the world. It is accepted as qualification by lots of leading businesses and educational institutions around the world.

Let’s take a look at how can they successfully pass this exam

They have to prove that they master certain language skills, like keeping up a conversation on a fairly wide range of topics, understanding the main idea of complex pieces of writing and producing detailed and clear writing.

The more kids read in English, the better they will do in the exam. Moreover, they will learn most if they enjoy what they read. Let them try film reviews, romantic stories, children’s stories, sports magazines, fashion articles, or travel information. Not everything they read has to be serious, unless they only like serious things. Don’t look up every word in the dictionary, because it will spoil the pleasure. Only look up anything that is essential for understanding.

In order to do the speaking parts well, they should make the effort to practice English whenever possible. They have to make sure that they can talk about themselves, ask someone to repeat or explain, give opinions, agree and disagree. They may need to do all these things in the exam.

Use of English is the part where doing practice tests may help the students most. They also need a good control of grammar and vocabulary. Kids learn best when they write and talk about things that are important to them. Practice making sentences about their own life and experience, using the structures that they want to learn.

There are lots of ways to practice the listening. The handiest ones are to listen to the news in English as much as possible, watch DVDs of English language films without subtitles, listen to songs that they like.

As you can see, this is a serious test, but the preparation doesn’t have to be too serious because it becomes a burden. As long as the kids enjoy the topics that they use to practice, know exactly what they have to do in the exam, think about what they need to improve, look back at the homework their teacher has corrected and understand where they went wrong and get plenty of sleep before the exam, everything will come out right.